Access: The TAC Blog

Leading experts report from the intersection of affordable housing, health care, and human services policy.

COVID-19 Resources for Housing and Service System Decision-Makers

Posted Friday, March 27, 2020
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Important resources from the federal government and other sources related to Medicaid, behavioral health and disability services, and housing/homelessness to assist state and local governments and providers in responding to Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).

On behalf of TAC, our thoughts go out to you as we all confront the challenges of navigating the coronavirus crisis in our personal and professional lives. This pandemic will impact the work we do for the foreseeable future, and access to information will be critical to managing our collective response. The immediate crisis has, in fact, inundated us on nearly a daily basis with a significant volume of important information from government agencies and professional and advocacy associations.

To help with the effort of keeping up, we have created a TAC COVID-19 Resource Page that consolidates current information on key, cross-cutting topics from the federal government and other sources related to Medicaid, behavioral health and disability services, and housing/homelessness. These resources, drawn from our consultants' extensive knowledge base and networks as well as the efforts of partner organizations, can assist state and local decision-makers and providers in responding to the evolving situation.

The TAC COVID-19 Resource Page will be updated regularly as new information becomes available. If you have questions about other topics, guidance, or federal/state/local actions that are not included, please inquire at and we will try to provide you an answer or refer you to a more appropriate source.

Learn about TAC's technical assistance services in disaster preparedness and recovery.

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  • TAC Executive Director Kevin Martone, L.S.W., is nationally recognized for his expertise in behavioral health policy, system financing and design, Olmstead and community integration, homelessness, and best practice models of housing for persons with disabilities.