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The U.S. Supreme Court's 1999 Olmstead decision, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act all affirm the right of people with disabilities to live in integrated settings, and require government agencies to ensure that this is possible — yet much remains to be done to make this goal a reality. Too many people with disabilities currently live in psychiatric hospitals, nursing homes, or substandard board and care facilities, while others face the risk of institutionalization due to being homeless. 

TAC helps states to increase their supportive housing supply, identify funding sources, and improve access to services, bringing them into compliance with federal standards.

TAC's specific expertise includes:

  • Helping states understand their obligations under the U.S. Supreme Court's Olmstead decision and the ADA to provide individuals with disabilities opportunities to live integrated lives in the community.
  • Helping states to meet the requirements of Olmstead-related settlement agreements and court decisions, including as court monitors and expert reviewers.
  • Designing initiatives to proactively move individuals from institutional settings to integrated permanent supportive housing in the community.
  • Leveraging mainstream affordable housing and service resources, including Medicaid, to fund best practice community living options for people with disabilities.
  • Conducting supportive housing needs assessments and assisting with strategic plans.
  • Researching best practices relevant to specific contexts and communities.
  • Building effective partnerships and assisting with facilitation and consensus-building.
  • Training and technical assistance for state hospital and community provider staff in preparing consumers to move to integrated settings.