
All Publications

Title Type Categories
The Future of Medicaid Expansion & Effects on People Experiencing Homelessness Issue Briefs
Medicaid Strategies for People with Specialized Needs Issue Briefs
Medicaid Eligibility: Enrollment Pathway Considerations for Vulnerable Populations Issue Briefs
Connecting with Medicaid: Strategies & Options for Providers of Services to People who are Homeless Issue Briefs
How Healthcare Reform Strengthens Medicaid's Role in Preventing & Ending Homelessness Issue Briefs
Taking Integrated Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) to Scale: The Louisiana PSH Program Issue Briefs
The Oklahoma Enhanced Tier Payment System: Leveraging Medicaid to Improve Mental Health Provider Performance & Outcomes Issue Briefs
TAC & CCD Summary of the HUD 2009 Worst Case Housing Needs of People with Disabilities Report Issue Briefs
A Katrina Success Story: Louisiana's 3,000 Unit Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Initiative Issue Briefs
Save Section 811 with the New Community Integration Paradigm Issue Briefs
Olmstead & Supportive Housing: A Vision for the Future Issue Briefs
Connecting with Medicaid: Strategies and Options for Providers of Substance Use Services Issue Briefs
Accessing Multifamily Housing for MFP Participants Issue Briefs
Live-In Aides in Federally-funded Housing Programs: Information for MFP Participants & Program Staff Issue Briefs
New Medicaid Options to Support MFP Participants in Community-Based Housing Issue Briefs
Strategies for Creating Integrated Supportive Housing for People with Disabilities Issue Briefs
Supporting Community Living: Olmstead & Money Follows the Person (MFP) Issue Briefs
CMS’ New Home & Community Based Services (HCBS) Rule: What it Means for States & Providers Issue Briefs
Key Considerations for Serving Chronically Homeless Persons in CoC-Funded Permanent Supportive Housing Issue Briefs
Housing Choice Vouchers Targeted to Non-Elderly Persons with Disabilities – Another Tool to Help End Homelessness Issue Briefs
Using Medicaid in Supportive Housing Issue Briefs
Turning Knowledge Into Practice: A Manual for Behavioral Health Administrators & Practitioners About Understanding & Implementing Evidence-Based Practices, 2nd Edition Manuals & Guides
Leveraging Medicaid: A Guide to Using Medicaid Financing in Supportive Housing Manuals & Guides
Section 8 Made Simple Manuals & Guides
A Community-Based Comprehensive Psychiatric Crisis Response Service Manuals & Guides
Care Management, Case Management, & Utilization Review in a Managed Care Environment Manuals & Guides
Replicable Best Practices for Accessing Mainstream Resources: A Guide for Continuums of Care Manuals & Guides
Regional Housing Forum: A Technical Assistance Guide for Housing Resources & Strategy Manuals & Guides
Strategies to Help People with Disabilities Be Successful in the Housing Choice Voucher Program Manuals & Guides
Seizing the Moment Manuals & Guides
Emerging Best Practices in Mental Health Recovery Manuals & Guides
Piecing it All Together: Playing the Housing Game Manuals & Guides
Using Medicaid to Pay for Services in Permanent Supportive Housing: Steps for CoC Leads to Get Started Manuals & Guides
California Mental Health & Substance Use System Needs Assessment Executive Summary Reports
Federal Financing of Supported Employment & Customized Employment for People with Mental Illness: Final Report Reports
The Hidden Housing Crisis: Worst Case Housing Needs Among Adults with Disabilities Reports
Behavioral Health Needs & Gaps in New Mexico Reports
Live-in Aides & the Housing Choice Voucher Program Reports
Going It Alone: The Struggle to Expand Housing Opportunities for People with Disabilities Reports
Creating New Integrated Permanent Supportive Housing Opportunities for ELI Households: A Vision for the Future of the National Housing Trust Fund Reports
Olmstead at 20: Using the Vision of Olmstead to Decriminalize Mental Illness Reports
State Funded Housing Assistance Programs Reports
State Approaches to Developing the Residential Treatment Continuum for Substance Use Disorders Reports
State Strategies to Expand Medication-Assisted Treatment Reports
Integrating Substance Use Disorder Treatment & Mainstream Medical Care: Four Ground-Level Experiences Reports
Exploring Value-Based Payment to Encourage Substance Use Disorder Treatment in Primary Care Reports
Priced Out: The Housing Crisis for People with Disabilities Reports
Accessible Housing for People with Disabilities Opening Doors
Affordable Housing in Your Community: What You Need to Know! What You Need to Do! Opening Doors
Best Practice Principles for Achieving Civil Rights in Permanent Supportive Housing Opening Doors
Challenging Choices: Housing Development 101 Opening Doors
HUD's HOME Program: Can It Really Work for People with Disabilities? Opening Doors
Influencing Affordable Housing Decisions in Your Community Opening Doors
New Section 811 Supportive Housing Legislation Introduced in U.S. Congress Opening Doors
Permanent Supportive Housing: A Proven Solution to Homelessness Opening Doors
Rural Housing Challenges: Meeting the Housing Needs of People with Disabilities in Rural Communities Opening Doors
Section 8: The New Housing Choice Voucher Program Opening Doors
Solutions that Work: Innovative Strategies to Meeting the Housing Needs of People with Disabilities Opening Doors
State Housing Agencies: How They Can Help People with Disabilities Opening Doors
The New Homelessness Prevention & Rapid Rehousing Program Opening Doors
The Olmstead Decision & Housing: Opportunity Knocks Opening Doors
The Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Program: Creating New Housing Opportunities for People with Disabilities Opening Doors
Using the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program to Create Affordable Housing for People with Disabilities Opening Doors
Using the Neighborhood Stabilization Program to Help Create Permanent Supportive Housing Opening Doors
What's Wrong with this Picture? An Update on the Impact of Elderly Only Housing Policies on People with Disabilities Opening Doors
Homeownership for People with Disabilities: A Movement in the Making Opening Doors
Federal Fair Housing protections for People with Disabilities Opening Doors