Displaying TAC Publications of type:

Opening Doors

Title Type Categories
Accessible Housing for People with Disabilities Opening Doors
Affordable Housing in Your Community: What You Need to Know! What You Need to Do! Opening Doors
Best Practice Principles for Achieving Civil Rights in Permanent Supportive Housing Opening Doors
Challenging Choices: Housing Development 101 Opening Doors
HUD's HOME Program: Can It Really Work for People with Disabilities? Opening Doors
Influencing Affordable Housing Decisions in Your Community Opening Doors
New Section 811 Supportive Housing Legislation Introduced in U.S. Congress Opening Doors
Permanent Supportive Housing: A Proven Solution to Homelessness Opening Doors
Rural Housing Challenges: Meeting the Housing Needs of People with Disabilities in Rural Communities Opening Doors
Section 8: The New Housing Choice Voucher Program Opening Doors
Solutions that Work: Innovative Strategies to Meeting the Housing Needs of People with Disabilities Opening Doors
State Housing Agencies: How They Can Help People with Disabilities Opening Doors
The New Homelessness Prevention & Rapid Rehousing Program Opening Doors
The Olmstead Decision & Housing: Opportunity Knocks Opening Doors
The Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Program: Creating New Housing Opportunities for People with Disabilities Opening Doors
Using the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program to Create Affordable Housing for People with Disabilities Opening Doors
Using the Neighborhood Stabilization Program to Help Create Permanent Supportive Housing Opening Doors
What's Wrong with this Picture? An Update on the Impact of Elderly Only Housing Policies on People with Disabilities Opening Doors
Homeownership for People with Disabilities: A Movement in the Making Opening Doors
Federal Fair Housing protections for People with Disabilities Opening Doors

Accessible Housing

Opening Doors is a publication of TAC and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Housing Task Force that provides housing information for the disability community. This issue provides an overview of the history of the laws that affect accessibility modifications, the impact of these laws on tenants and owners, possible sources for funding accessibility modifications, and the role of the disability community in advocating for enforcement of these laws. (Issue 10, 2000).

Affordable Housing

Opening Doors is a publication of TAC and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Housing Task Force that provides housing information for the disability community. This issue focuses on realistic strategies for getting involved with the development of the strategic plans in your community that control access to housing funding, specifically the Consolidated Plan and the Public Housing Agency Plan. (Issue 8, 1999).

Best Practices Civil Rights PSH

Opening Doors is a publication of TAC and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Housing Task Force that provides housing information for the disability community. This issue includes a discussion of best practice principles that can be used to achieve a vision of supportive housing that comes closer to an ideal: permanent affordable, integrated, community-based housing where the right to occupy the housing unit is based on standard landlord-tenant laws, and in which flexible, on-demand supportive services are available and controlled by the tenant. (Issue 29, 2006)

Challenging Choices

Opening Doors is a publication of TAC and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Housing Task Force that provides housing information for the disability community. This issue is designed to help people with disabilities, advocates, and service providers understand the basics of affordable housing development, or Housing Development 101. (Issue 9, 1999)

Federal Fair Housing

Opening Doors is a publication of TAC and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Housing Task Force that provides housing information for the disability community. This issue outlines federal fair housing protections for people with disabilities, including an understanding of the federal housing laws, the protections each provides, and how these laws can be used to ensure access to housing in the community. (Issue 5, 1998)


Opening Doors is a publication of TAC and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Housing Task Force that provides housing information for the disability community. This issue provides a discussion of homeownership for people with disabilities, including: the key ingredients of successful homeownership efforts for people with disabilities; a candid discussion of the ongoing challenges confronting people with disabilities who want to become homeowners; and case studies of successful homeownership initiatives that are helping people with disabilities own homes of their own in communities across the country. (Issue 6, 1998)

HUD's HOME Program

Opening Doors is a publication of TAC and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Housing Task Force that provides housing information for the disability community. This issue provides information to help the disability community learn more about the HOME program, how it works, and how it can be used to expand affordable housing for people with disabilities. (Issue 16, 2001)

Influencing Affordable Housing

Opening Doors is a publication of TAC and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Housing Task Force that provides housing information for the disability community. This issue provides an overview of the affordable housing delivery system and types of federal housing resources available, outlines factors that influence affordable housing decisions including housing needs data and advocacy, identifies practical strategies for the disability community to document housing needs, and illustrates how to use housing needs information to affect affordable housing decisions. (Issue 2, 1997)

New Section 811 Legislation

Opening Doors is a publication of TAC and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Housing Task Force that provides housing information for the disability community. This issue describes critically important legislation that will help address the enormous and unrelenting housing crisis faced by millions of extremely low-income people with disabilities and will spur the creation of thousands more new 811 units every year. (Issue 31, 2008)

Permanent Supportive Housing

Opening Doors is a publication of TAC and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Housing Task Force that provides housing information for the disability community. This issue examines the recent focus on chronic homelessness and provides important research, data, and a concrete solution: permanent supportive housing. (Issue 20, 2003)

Rural Housing

Opening Doors is a publication of TAC and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Housing Task Force that provides housing information for the disability community. This issue provides information about the housing challenges facing rural America, including barriers to affordable housing in rural areas, expanding housing opportunities, and available resources for homeless people in rural areas. (Issue 19, 2002)

Section 8 New HCV Program

Opening Doors is a publication of TAC and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Housing Task Force that provides housing information for the disability community. This issue provides information about the largest federal housing program for people with extremely low-incomes including: what the Section 8 program is; who administers the program; how to influence local policies; and how Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) manage Section 8 applications, waiting lists, and issuing vouchers. (Issue 17, 2002)

Solutions that Work

Opening Doors is a publication of TAC and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Housing Task Force that provides housing information for the disability community. This issue describes three best practices, including the basic steps to implement these strategies in your state or community. (Issue 23, 2003)

State Housing Agencies

Opening Doors is a publication of TAC and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Housing Task Force that provides housing information for the disability community. This issue describes the various types of state housing agencies and the resources they control. It also identifies strategies for using these resources to expand housing options for people with disabilities with the lowest incomes. (Issue 22, 2003)

The New HPRP Program

Opening Doors is a publication of TAC and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Housing Task Force that provides housing information for the disability community. This issue provides an overview of the new Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Rehousing (HPRP) program, including basic homeless prevention and rapid re-housing approaches, and suggests feasible strategies that HPRP grantees could adopt to ensure that a portion of these funds are utilized by people with disabilities. Includes a special section on how Public Housing Agencies can play a role in HPRP-funded activities. (Issue 32, 2009)

The Olmstead Decision Housing

Opening Doors is a publication of TAC and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Housing Task Force that provides housing information for the disability community. This issue highlights key federal housing policy issues that may be relevant to the Olmstead decision, including several housing programs that can be used to facilitate the development of housing for people with disabilities who are leaving institutions or who are at-risk of being institutionalized. (Issue 12, 2000)

The Section 8 PBV Program

Opening Doors is a publication of TAC and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Housing Task Force that provides housing information for the disability community. This issue provides a basic overview of a new HUD Final Rule that now makes it much easier for PHAs to use the Project-Based Voucher program (PBV), including expanding affordable and accessible housing opportunities for people with disabilities. (Issue 28, 2006)

Using the LIHTC Program

Opening Doors is a publication of TAC and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Housing Task Force that provides housing information for the disability community. This issue provides basic information on the federal Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program, information on the state's role in the LIHTC program, and specific approaches that can help people with disabilities benefit from the LIHTC program, including strategies that combine the LIHTC program with other federal housing programs to produce rental housing units affordable to people with disabilities with the lowest incomes. (Issue 26, 2005)

Using the NSP Program

Opening Doors is a publication of TAC and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Housing Task Force that provides housing information for the disability community. This issue provides an overview of HUD's new Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP), documents the purpose and history of the program, discusses how the funds are distributed, describes the ways that NSP can be used to create permanent supportive housing, and suggests strategies that can be used by the disability community to work with NSP grantees. (Issue 33, 2009)

What's Wrong Elderly Only

Opening Doors is a publication of TAC and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Housing Task Force that provides housing information for the disability community. This issue provides an assessment of the impact of elderly only laws on the supply of federally subsidized housing available for people with disabilities. (Issue 15, 2001)