
Webinar to Address Olmstead & Opportunities within ACA

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

On Friday January 24, 2014 from 12:30-2:00 EST, Abt Associates will host a webinar panel of some of the nation's leading experts from federal and state agencies and policy organizations -- including TAC's Executive Director Kevin Martone -- to explore ways that community-based housing linked to health services can better serve the most vulnerable populations. The webinar, titled "Olmstead is the Mandate, ACA the Opportunity" will discuss how throughout the nation, states and communities are working together to meet the mandate of the Supreme Court's Olmstead decision to help people with disabilities live in the community, rather than in institutions. At the same time, implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides opportunities for states to create new options for home and community-based services under the Medicaid program. Olmstead implementation that employs new financing opportunities will require better coordination and integration across the health and housing sectors for people with complex needs.

Panelists will include:

  • Alison Barkoff, Special Counsel for Olmstead Enforcement in the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice.
  • Dan Burke, Director, Chicago Multifamily HUB, U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development
  • Jill Khadduri, Senior Fellow and Principal Associate in Housing & Communities Practice, Abt Associates
  • Gretchen Locke, Senior Associate, Housing & Communities Practice, Abt Associates
  • Kevin Martone, Executive Director, Technical Assistance Collaborative
  • Danna Mauch, Senior Fellow and Principal Associate in U.S. Health Division, Abt Associates
  • Charles Milligan Jr., Deputy Secretary for Health Care Financing, overseeing the Medicaid program and ACA activities for the State of Maryland

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