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CICTAC brings together TAC's team of nationally recognized human services and housing experts to provide a range of technical assistance (TA), consultation, and educational services to assist clients with community integration activities including ADA and Olmstead compliance.

Specific types of services offered by the Center's team include: 

System evaluation & assessment

Assistance with Olmstead planning

Statutory & regulatory review

Program & model design for specialized populations

Medicaid, Managed Care & other service finance & re-balancing strategies

Human service & housing agency partnership building

Training & skill development for direct service professionals, including community service providers & institutional staff

Development of system, program, & individual outcome measures

Facility closure & downsizing planning

Affordable Care Act (ACA) analysis to support state ADA integration strategies

Housing strategy development & guidance for state & local housing & services entities

Service provider capacity building including homeless service providers

Litigation & Settlement Agreement implementation

Guidance to Governor's offices, State Attorneys General, & legislative staff

Information dissemination of federal & state housing & service programs to support integration