Massachusetts Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD)

TAC has provided strategic planning and technical assistance to the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) which included the development of a state bond financed permanent supported housing program using DHCD project-based vouchers. TAC also assisted DHCD and the State Interagency Council to End Homelessness to coordinate a statewide, regional approach to end homelessness through the implementation of best practices and targeted geographic needs and resources. This project created seven regional networks that receive state appropriations to fund homeless housing and service programs. 

TAC also worked with DHCD on the use of its HUD Emergency Solutions Grant funding, and provided guidance and planning assistance to DHCD staff who coordinate the Massachusetts Balance of State homeless Continuum of Care, including development of training curriculum, review of grant inventories, assessment of homeless Point-in-Time census and consultation on strategies to maximize federal housing resources to prevent/end homelessness.