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Rapid re-housing (RRH) programs operate with a Housing First approach, drawing on a flexible, individualized stream of financial assistance and linked services to move people quickly from emergency shelters into permanent housing.

TAC is a national leader in guiding communities to integrate rapid re-housing into their homeless crisis response systems by making RRH a system-wide primary intervention, strengthening program design, creating evaluation mechanisms, and training staff.

TAC's customized technical assistance includes:

  • Scaling up RRH: Analysis of resources, gaps, and opportunities.
  • Program design for RRH as a Housing First intervention for vulnerable populations.
  • Integrating RRH into Coordinated Entry and housing systems.
  • Community stakeholder education.
  • System-wide landlord engagement and housing location.
  • Developing and hosting practice workshops and trainings.
  • Group, web-based, and direct learning opportunities.
  • Designing RFPs, evaluation structures, and contracts.
  • Customized product and resource development.