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Housing First is a proven approach in which people experiencing homelessness are offered permanent housing with few to no preconditions or barriers. It is based on significant evidence that with the appropriate levels of services, people experiencing homelessness can achieve stability in permanent housing. Furthermore, Housing First yields higher housing retention rates, reduces the use of crisis services and institutions, and improves people's health and social outcomes.

TAC helps states, communities, and providers to fully integrate the Housing First approach into their services and systems.

TAC's customized technical assistance includes:

  • Orienting systems to adopt a Housing First approach.
  • Incorporating Housing First into contracts and monitoring.
  • Designing and implementing landlord retention programs.
  • Aligning Coordinating Entry Systems with Housing First.
  • Developing high-quality supportive services.
  • Facilitating organizational change.
  • Researching best practices.
  • Developing program design strategies.
  • Conducting community- and program-level trainings.
  • Developing tools to assess Housing First fidelity.
  • Strengthening data tracking, evaluation, and monitoring systems.