Adult, Youth, and Family Homelessness

TAC's consultants include experts on addressing chronic, youth, and family homelessness, reflecting the increasing awareness that different approaches work better for different subpopulations.

Housing First

TAC helps states, communities, and providers to fully integrate the Housing First approach into their services and systems.

Permanent Supportive Housing

TAC specializes in the design and implementation of evidence-based permanent supportive housing that leverages mainstream affordable housing and sustainable services funding for vulnerable low-income populations.

Rapid Re-Housing

TAC is a national leader in guiding communities to integrate rapid re-housing into their homeless crisis response systems by making it a system-wide primary intervention, strengthening program design, creating evaluation mechanisms, and training staff.

Affordable Housing

TAC is a recognized expert on federal affordable housing programs, policies and regulations, development and finance, and the effective use of resources to expand affordable housing opportunities for vulnerable populations.

Community Integration

TAC is a leader in assisting states to develop and implement systems-level approaches to increase community living options for people with disabilities consistent with the ADA and the U.S. Supreme Court's Olmstead decision.

Mental Health and Substance Use

TAC supports the efforts of public managers and purchasers to successfully plan and implement the design, financing, and management of mental health and substance use services.


TAC is fluent in federal Medicaid rules and regulations and in leveraging Medicaid to promote access to services that assist people with disabilities to live at home and in the community.

Children and Transition-Age Youth

TAC's knowledge-base includes planning and implementation of evidence-based and best practice services for children and adolescents involved with the mental health, child welfare, education, and/or juvenile justice systems.

Health Care Integration

TAC works with the systems that pay for health care to improve access to much-needed medical and substance use disorder treatment.

Housing and Supportive Services for Veterans

TAC is committed to designing, financing, and delivering effective programs that meet a range of housing, service, and support needs of veteran households who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Disaster Preparedness and Recovery

When a disaster strikes, our nation's health care, human services, homelessness, and affordable housing systems are challenged to ensure that vulnerable populations receive the support they need. TAC’s subject matter experts have worked within and on behalf of these systems at the federal, state, and local levels as they have coped with many different crises.