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Browse the topics below for more information on issues related to TAC's mission.

Affordable Housing

People with disabilities face a severe housing affordability crisis in this country. View a brief summary of this issue and resources to address the housing affordability needs of vulnerable people with disabilities including people who experience homelessness or are at risk of homelessness.

Community Integration

To ensure community living opportunities for non-elderly people with disabilities, states are increasingly seeking to expand integrated permanent supportive housing programs. This shift addresses several goals: compliance with the U.S. Supreme Court's Olmstead decision, decreased reliance on expensive institutional care, and progress toward preventing and ending homelessness among people with disabilities. View resources and information on this topic.


Across the nation, many individuals with disabilities are either unemployed or underemployed, despite their desire and ability to work in the community. Lack of employment opportunities for people with disabilities and people who experience homelessness has a negative impact on individuals' income and ability to afford housing, behavioral and physical health outcomes, as well on their community integration and recovery.

Health Reform

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) presents significant opportunities to improve access to quality, affordable health care for all Americans. The ACA includes numerous provisions that are likely to have an impact on people with disabilities. View a summary of these as well as key resources related to health reform.


View a brief summary of the most recent homeless Point-in-Time (PIT) count data, and resources on homelessness, including links to updated information on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Homelessness Resource Exchange (HRE) regarding implementation of the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act.


Medicaid, the federal-state health insurance program for low-income Americans, provides access to primary care, mental health and substance use treatment, and long-term care services for some of the country's most vulnerable citizens, including people with disabilities, youth in foster care, and people who experience homelessness. View information and resources on leveraging Medicaid to provide services and supports for these populations.

Mental Health & Substance Use

Research and practice in the field have demonstrated that treatment is effective and people can and do recover from mental and substance use disorders. Improving the quality and delivery of behavioral health services supports the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Strategic Initiatives, and is furthered by national health reform, and efforts to ensure parity for mental health and addictions treatment, as well as compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Olmstead. View resources and information on this topic.

Permanent Supportive Housing

Permanent supportive housing (PSH) is a nationally recognized, proven and cost-effective solution to the needs of vulnerable people with disabilities who are homeless, institutionalized, or at greatest risk of these conditions. View information and resources intended to help expand the evidence-based PSH model in states and localities.

Section 811 Program

HUD's reformed Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities Program offers the opportunity to develop thousands of new permanent supportive housing units integrated within affordable housing properties. Learn more about HUD’s Section 811 Program and TAC’s Resource Center on Supportive Housing, which tracks recent Section 811 Program implementation and provides resources on integrated supportive housing.


There are 57,849 homeless veterans in the U.S. and many other veterans and their families are considered at risk of homelessness. View information and resources on some of the programs available through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to address the housing, employment, health, and behavioral health care needs of veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.