
New Study Highlights SSVF Successes

Thursday, September 05, 2013

TAC's work as technical assistance provider, in partnership with Abt Associates, on the Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program  is in evidence in a New Report on the SSVF Program's Effectiveness in the program's first year.  SSVF is the VA's innovative homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing program currently undergoing a significant, national expansion with multiple new grantees. The report on the SSVF program's impacts in the first year are noteworthy.  These include evidence that SSVF effectively:

  • prevents and ends homelessness
  • operates with efficiency
  • targets Veterans with high need
  • serves younger Veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan
  • serves female veterans in high proportion
  • connects Veterans to income maximization opportunity

Read the Report

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