
NCD Releases Report 2013 National Disability Policy: Strength in Our Difference

Friday, November 22, 2013

The National Council on Disability recently released a report detailing major challenges to reaching full integration and participation in all aspects of life for people with disabilities. The report, "2013 National Disability Policy: Strength in Our Differences" is broken into four chapters:

  • Chapter 1: reviews the need for ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities;
  • Chapter 2: analyzes the status of economic empowerment for people with disabilities and highlights state programs promoting an integrated workforce;
  • Chapter 3: discusses health care and initiatives that have become available with implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act;
  • Chapter 4: addresses community integration and the barriers to full participation.

Each chapter reviews federal and state policies that advance integration for people with disabilities, as well as makes recommendations for public policy changes that could increase opportunities for full integration.

Read the full Report.

Read about TAC's work on Community Integration.