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National Low Income Housing Coalition Releases Report on Affordable Housing Shortage
This week the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) published a report, Housing Spotlight: America's Affordable Housing Shortage,and How to End It. Based on the analysis of data from the 2011 American Community Survey, the report illustrates the harsh reality facing low income renters in the United States, and shows that in 2011, there were only 5.6 million rental units affordable for the 10.1 million extremely low-income (ELI) renters, producing a shortage of 4.6 million affordable units. Households with extremely low incomes tend to be made up of some of the country's most vulnerable residents. Almost one-third (31%) of all ELI households are headed by a person with a disability.
The report suggests that if funded, the National Housing Trust Fund would provide permanent, dedicated funds for the production, rehabilitation, preservation, and operation of rental homes, at least 75% of which must be affordable to ELI households and up to 25% serving very low-income households. The National Low Income Housing Coalition calls for funding with savings gained from modifications to the mortgage interest deduction.