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HUD Announces New Protections for Victims of Harassment and Survivors of Domestic Violence

Thursday, September 15, 2016

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has published a final rule designed to address sexual and other forms of harassment that create a “hostile environment” for public housing residents, or that involve threatening a resident with loss of housing if they don’t comply with unwelcome demands. In addition, HUD is issuing Fair Housing Act guidance on local “nuisance ordinances” that may lead to housing discrimination against survivors of domestic violence and other persons in need of emergency services. “A home should be a sanctuary where everyone can live without the threat of violence or harassment,” said HUD secretary Julián Castro. “The actions we take today will work together to protect the housing rights of victims of harassment and survivors of domestic violence.”

Learn more about the new guidance, find links to the official documents, and read about the cases and advocacy that led to these measures.