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Fulfilling the Dream: Aligning State Efforts to Implement Olmstead and End Chronic Homelessness

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Both ending chronic homelessness and implementing the directives of the landmark Olmstead decision and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) require the expansion of housing opportunities and community supports — for often-overlapping populations. Fulfilling the Dream, a new brief from the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness, makes the case for aligning state and local efforts to end chronic homelessness and efforts to comply with the community integration mandate under Title II of the ADA. States and communities can more effectively assist individuals with disabilities by approaching these efforts through a unified strategy, guided by a single vision of expanding housing and services (e.g., permanent supportive housing) to support community living.

LEARN ABOUT TAC’s leadership in helping states and communities to develop innovative, systems-level approaches that increase community living options for people with disabilities and help address the challenge of chronic homelessness.