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CMS Announces New Medicare Chronic Conditions Dashboard

Monday, April 01, 2013

On March 28, 2013, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that the new Medicare Chronic Conditions Dashboard is now live. The dashboard compiles data on where multiple chronic conditions occur, treatment and services, and how much Medicare spends on patients with multiple chronic conditions. This tool provides users with a way to easily compare data across states and to look at demographic trends for people with multiple chronic conditions. 

The new Medicare Chronic Conditions Dashboard is part of the goal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to improve services and outcomes for people with multiple chronic conditions.  Currently medical care for people with multiple chronic conditions accounts for approximately 93% of Medicare funding. This new tool will help providers, public health officials and advocates look for new, coordinated and cost-effective ways to treat chronic medical conditions. 

View the new Medicare Chronic Conditions Dashboard

View CMS resources for Medicare Chronic Conditions

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